Grant Guidelines
Eligible Projects or Programs
The JCFF board has adopted a grant program focused on higher education that improves student persistence to completion of certificates, diplomas, or degrees. Eligible strategies might include but are not limited to programs or activities such as student orientation, advising, counseling, career planning, cohort scheduling, at-risk student support, learning communities, supplemental instruction, curriculum or course development, common read programs, and others.

Qualifying Non-Profit Organizations
The JCFF provides grants to public non-profit organizations that are organized and operated for educational purposes and recognized by the US IRS as tax-exempt public or supporting charities (Type I, Type II, or functionally integrated Type III) under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).
Grantee Requirements
Proposal Timeline and Submission
The JCFF Board of Directors will determine grant amounts and will select and approve successful proposals. Grants are made annually.
Annual Award Timelines
Proposal forms are generally available by September 1. Email jcfamfd@gmail.com to receive a proposal form and guidelines.
Proposals are due on October 15.
Proposals should be submitted by emailing to jcfamfd@gmail.com.
An acknowledgement of receipt will be emailed to requester within 48 hours.
Funding decisions will normally be made by the board of directors by November 20.
Awarded funds are expected to be distributed by December 5 once a commitment letter has been signed.
The grantee agency must agree to:
Complete grant activities within one year of receiving funds unless extension is granted.
Repay any awarded funds not used for the stated purposes of the grant.
Keep records of receipts and expenditures and make records available to the JCFF board on request.
Request approval from JCFF, at jcfamfd@gmail.com, if any substantial changes to use of funds or project goals or timeline are anticipated.
Submit to the JCFF a mid-year update by June 30 and an annual report on outcomes by December 15. If this is not the final report which closes out use of all awarded funds, a date for the final report can be negotiated with the JCFF President.
Work with JCFF to report award of grant to media, if desired, and to post project award and information related to results on the JCFF website.
Not use any of the funds to:
Influence legislation,
Influence the outcome of elections,
Carry on voter registration drives,
Award scholarships (Grantee may provide resources to individuals for activities related to project goals.),
Provide funds to individuals or organizations for purposes other than pursuing educational goals, or
Undertake any activity that is not specifically proposed by the grantee or that carries out any purpose other than an educational purpose.
Proposal Evaluation
Proposals for funding will be evaluated on evidence that:
The requested funds will be used to aid students’ persistence and/or completion of credentials.
The project or activity directly assists a significant number of students and/or has the potential for long-term benefit to students.
The organization has the capacity to carry out the expected activities.
The proposed project or activity has reasonable goals that meet the mission of the requesting agency and the JCFF.
The organization has identified methods of evaluation that include data-based evidence.
The project or activity can achieve measurable, positive impact.